web3 offsetting

Changeblock offers a range of offsetting services for the web3 ecosystem:

Historical Transaction Offsetting

By calculating the on chain energy usage of a series of transaction, we can offset the energy a particular wallet or NFT collection has contributed. We do this by calculating the on-chain computation incurred by the transactions, then converting this to energy usage, and finally to tonnes of CO2.

Future Transaction Offsetting

We can estimate likely future usage based on historical transactions, and 'future-proof' your protocol, wallet or NFT collection for a period of time. We can also provide an on-going attestation-type service that periodically calculates new emissions, and confirms that you are still carbon-negative.

Carbon-negative Token Wrapping

We provide a token wrapping service (both fungible and non-fungible) tokens that allows you to wrap your NFT or ERC20 (or ERC1155) while offsetting any CO2 generated by its minting and previous transfers. We can also, upon request, include environmentally-positive tokens (CBLKs) that can be accessed by unwrapping the token. This introduces an asset-backed price floor to the wrapped tokens and gives them additional inherent value.

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